‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: You get an alliance! YOU get an alliance!

Bruno Ielo -Welcome to “Big Brother Canada 3,” otherwise known as Alliance Season! Seriously, at this point it feels almost like everyone in the house has at least three or four alliances going, and it is almost impossible to keep track of who is really working with who.

Let’s start here first and foremost with the obvious ones. Brittnee / Sarah and Newport (Zach / Jordan) are the most secure pairs in the entire game. They are true to each other no matter what. We feel like Bobby / Bruno are the same way at this point. For Bruno, his bond with Godfrey is close to that, just as Zach’s is to Jordan. The three-person guys’ alliance and the Bromuda Triangle are both real things that could ruffle some feathers if certain events transpire.

Ready to make this all the more complicated? We’ve also got the Chop Shop still sort of together in some form with Godfrey more or less taking the place of Graig, and we also have Hexagon, which is Brittnee / Sarah plus Johnny alongside the Bromuda Triangle. Then, there are all of the showmances, which include Zach and Ashleigh and Kevin and Pilar (who is reasonably close to Willow but is mostly just a super-pawn moving forward). There was a fear of a couples’ alliance running rampant this weekend, but you probably don’t have to take that too seriously.

Tonight, Sarah approached Bruno, Bobby, and Godfrey about getting something going, and these five now have a quintet of their own. Ultimately, someone like Bruno is now working with almost everyone other than Kevin and Pilar. Meanwhile, Sarah is in a similar situation, and in a sense she has a bond with EVERYONE. The good news is that while this is all chaotic now, it may lead to some crazy fun down the road when people are stabbing backs.

Another thing worth mentioning is moving into next week, Bobby seems to be the obvious target, but Jordan is really pushing hard for Bruno. He’s a smart guy, and he probably realizes that Bruno is the only person in the house that seems to be starting to really catch on to Newport.

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