‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Did Canada’s Veto twist make an impact?
The Veto Ceremony finally arrived in the “Big Brother Canada” house Sunday, and it gave us a chance to really see whether or not the voting public in Canada actually influenced the game. Here’s your answer: They really didn’t. The Double Veto twist was what was ultimately voted on, which allowed the Veto winner to use it on both nominees. Bruno decided not to do that, and left the nominees of Johnny and Sarah the same for the time being.
Did he miss an opportunity here to make a game-changing move? To an extent, we’d argue that he might have since he could have kept these two in the game, and ultimately tried to use them to chip away at some other power players. The big decision that he struggled with over the last 24 hours was whether or not he wanted to try to backdoor Zach, who he was starting to realize as a major threat to take home the title and a man who could come after him sooner rather than later.
Personally, we feel like he will regret it. Like so many other players, you are a little afraid of making a big swing early in the game. Yet, Bruno will be such an easy target for Zach / Jordan pre-game, since they can just claim that they are doing him a favor and ensuring that he gets to go home and see his kids rather than having to sit in jury. Zach’s eviction would splinter off many people in the house, especially if he could have nominated someone like Jordan alongside him.
The real loser here for now, though, is Canada, who spent a long time voting for a twist that was never that easy to understand, and one that ultimately did not really matter.
You can get some other “Big Brother Canada” updates right now over at the link here, so stay tuned for more! Also, sign up to get some other TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)
April 13, 2015 @ 7:57 am
I would be very happy if either Zach or Jordan leaves the game.
April 13, 2015 @ 6:59 am
The casting this season was very bad. Someone needs to tell Ashleigh and Pilar that they are on Big Brother Canada and not on the Dating Game.
April 12, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
This season is awful, i can’t believe Johnny is going what a joke.