‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: The current nomination plans
While it is still much too early to know what is happening for sure in the “Big Brother Canada 3” house in terms of nominations, we’re starting to get at least a decent idea. After all, this is really not all that hard to figure out.
Given the fact that one of his top allies in Graig was just sent home, it makes sense that Bruno would want to target Johnny and Sarah. These are two of the people responsible for getting Graig out of the house, and they each are threats to his game. These are most likely the right nominations, given that they are both strategic, and they both probably would put him on the block at some point, even if you could argue that maybe they would target someone like Bobby first.
Speaking of Bobby, he has already tried to a certain extent to make his own influence clear this week. Specifically, he has gone to Bruno and said that he wants Kevin out because he doesn’t trust him. We don’t really see Bruno doing that. Maybe it would benefit him to a certain extent, but Zach is close to Kevin and Bruno’s not on Zach’s immediate radar. Sometimes, it’s better not to put yourself in harm’s way and get anyone new targeting him. The best move for him would be to just put up Brittnee as a replacement nominee, but of course the twist Veto that is coming later this week (we at least assume that it is coming this week, based on the timer of the voting) could change that. Kevin ultimately could end up nominated just because Bruno has to add two new people to the block.
The Have / Have-Not Competition is coming later today, so we’ll have some further results of that soon.
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