‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 6: Kat Graham reacts to Nina Dobrev leaving

Bonnie -While we know now that both Nina Dobrev and Michael Trevino are leaving their positions as regulars on “The Vampire Diaries,” for the most part the rest of the cast has chosen to stay quiet for the time being. We imagine one of the reasons for that is simply because the majority of the fan base is still in a vulnerable state. Dobrev and her character of Elena (plus Katherine and many others) were beloved by fans, and obviously they are upset to see her go. Unfortunately, there’s nothing that any of the cast members can say in order to ease the pain a little bit.

However, we do at least have the first person now who has spoken about the departure in Kat Graham, who of course plays witch Bonnie Bennett and has since the very first season. She appeared this morning on VH1’s “Big Morning Buzz,” and explained first and foremost that this is not something that has blindsided any of the cast members. Both she and the rest of the show have known that it was coming for a long time:

“It’s very bittersweet … We’re all family, and you always want to stay together forever, but everyone has their journey, and all you can do is wish them well and support them. This was a decision that I know was made a long, long time ago. I’m just excited for her, and to see what’s next.” 

So if this decision was made a long time ago, why in the world would you not announce it publicly? The simple answer is that for a while, the show wanted to keep the mystery going of what would happen to her. Had everyone known from the moment the decision was made, they may have chosen to watch a little differently. Also, who knows? Maybe the producers hoped that Nina would change her mind.

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