‘The Amazing Race 26’ episode 6 preview: Romance(?) in Monaco

Amazing Race -We’re not sure why we’re enjoying “The Amazing Race” so much this season, mostly because by and large, this is not exactly the best season. The episodes are predictable, product-placement is insanely all over the place, and this entire blind date twist feels like somewhat of a bust.

However, there is something so entertaining about this entire trainwreck, and it may just be waiting to see who hope on a nearest plane back home because they cannot stand their partner anymore. while we lost one super-tense couple in Kurt & Bergen tonight after it felt like one of them started to completely check out of the race, we also still have Hayley & Blair and Jeff & Jackie left. That should allow for enough drama to satisfy us for a little while.

Next week’s episode takes us to Monaco, where we will have the chance to hilariously see some more tasks regarding couples having to profess their “love” for one another. These are really only great for the people who can’t stand each other. there’s also an element of danger present, as a high-wire act should terrify a few teams with significant fears of heights.

The one team we are obviously the most afraid of is Mike & Rochelle, who seem at least a couple of hours behind some of the other teams after violating “Amazing Race” cardinal rule #5 (we’re guessing on the number, but it has to be in the top 10) and somehow not deciding to learn how to drive a stick before going on the show. If they don’t get an equalizer of a flight, they are screwed. Remember that high-wire act we just mentioned? Rochelle is afraid of heights, and it seems like both team members have to take part in this.

To read our take on tonight’s wacky episode in Germany, head over to the link here. Also, race to this link if you want to get some other TV news on all we cover sent right to you, and courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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