‘The Good Wife’ season 6, episode 18 preview: How Julianna Margulies, cast move forward

The Good Wife -Where is the story going to head next on “The Good Wife“? Tonight’s new episode exposed numerous problems within the firm, with all of them stemming from one place: A hack of their email system. That was bad enough for obvious reasons, but add to this the fact that almost every single person there is now completely out in the open. All of their dirty laundry is aired and it isn’t pretty. This means that Alicia knows how Diane really felt about her campaign, and potentially once-solid personal relationships may now start to crumble in a big, bad, messy way.

The easiest way to sum all of this up is very simple: This is bad news for everyone involved. If you want a few other details in terms of what to expect, just check out our synopsis below:

“Still reeling from the cyber-hack at her law firm, Alicia is ambushed with questions about her leaked emails during a television interview. Meanwhile, Diane takes on a case that pits her sympathies towards gay marriage against the rights of religious freedom. Also, an investigator starts looking into the evidence Diane used to get Cary out of prison.”

The latter part of the synopsis is what makes us the most worried. Do we really need to take another look into why Cary got out of jail? Logically, it makes sense; creatively, we’re not altogether sure that we really needed to dive down this hole again and deal with some of the resulting consequences of it.

What do you want to see on “The Good Wife” when the show airs next week on CBS? Share with a comment, and head over here to read our review of tonight’s installment! Also, you can sign up now to score some other TV updates on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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