‘Elementary’ season 3, episode 18 preview: When cab drivers attack

ElementaryIf you are enjoying “Elementary” so far this season, then as of right now you may be right in the thick of what we would call a lull. After all, there was no new episode this past Thursday, and thanks to the NCAA tournament, that is going to continue moving into the coming week. Thursday, April 2 is the next day that will feature a new episode, and you will have an opportunity then to take a gander at “The View from Olympus.” This is going to be a particularly fun installment for a variety of different reasons: Not only are you going to have a chance to see something pseudo-romantic for Holmes, but you also will see a case regarding a cab driver and a driver for something that could very well be Uber (or at least the show’s version of it).

CBS recently released the official synopsis for this episode, and you can take a gander at that in full below:

“When a driver for a ridesharing company is intentionally run over by a city cab, Holmes and Watson wonder if it’s a case of professional jealousy. Meanwhile, a casual romance Holmes has with one of his longtime “Irregular” consultants (Anastasia Griffith) becomes complicated when the woman makes a shocking request.”

There have been some episodes this season that have carried with them some specific and serious undertones. However, this does not appear as though it will be one to continue this trend. It sounds fun, and we like to have something like this when a crime show comes back from a break.

What do you think in theory about this “Elementary” installment? share right now with a comment, and head over here to get some other news pertaining to the show! Also, sign up now if interested in acquiring some further TV updates on everything we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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