‘Arrow’ season 3 spoilers: Show boss on Oliver’s offer, Lazarus Pits, more

Arrow -Wednesday night’s new episode of “Arrow” is entitled “The Offer,” and it is going to be a pretty enormous episode of TV for a variety of different reasons. At the top of that list, though, is the existence of Lazarus Pits in this world. You’ve waited for a long time to understand these further, and executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells The Hollywood Reporter that they will start to unravel what these pits really mean within the world of the show, or if they are even the exact same as what we think that they are.

What is also interesting about the existence of these is that they further introduce magic into this show, and this is actually something that Guggenheim is more than fine with even in spite of spending so much time trying to avoid having characters with superpowers around, relegating this more to the world of sister show “The Flash“:

“The world of magic fits pretty well into the world of Arrow … We’ve already seen superpowers on the show. Once you’ve seen super powers, the occult and magic — that actually fits better in Arrow than superpowers.”

In this episode, what we’re really hoping we learn is whether or not this Ra’s al Ghul is completely immortal, and just why he also wants Oliver Queen specifically to take over for him. In addition to all of this, we’d also really love it if there is some sort of connection made between the pits and how Oliver survived that nasty fall in the first place. After all, it does not seem even remotely possible that he would without a little bit of help.

Earlier this week, “Arrow” released an extensive trailer at the rest of the season. Check that out over here, and you can sign up now in the event you want some further TV updates on everything we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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