‘Girl Meets World’ season 2 spoilers: Even more ‘Boy Meets World’ alum coming aboard

Girl Meets World -We know that for many diehard fans of “Boy Meets World,” one of the biggest complaints with the first season of “Girl Meets World” was a relative lack of screentime for some of the people who made the show famous to begin with. We understand the complaints, but at the same time we also understood the purpose. During the early going especially, the Disney Channel had to ensure that they got their younger generation on board, since they will be the backbone of the show. Were this airing on ABC or somewhere else, this may have been a very different story.

Well, for the second season, it appears that this is already to change. You may have already heard about some of the recent additions to upcoming episodes, and we are here now with the latest. Per ET Online, Trina McGee a.k.a. Angela is going to be returning for an episode! The same goes for Blake Clark, who played Shawn’s father on the original series.

We feel like it makes a little bit of sense for Angela to be coming back onto the show; meanwhile, seeing Clark reprise his role is somewhat of a surprise. How is this going to work in the present? We’re somewhat perplexed, but at the same time it is rather nice that the show is presenting us with an element of some mystery. After all, it is not often when we really get to see this sort of thing happen.

What do you want to see on “Girl Meets World” season 2, and is there any other cast members from the original that you want to see back? Share right away with a comment, and head over here if you’re interested in signing up for some further scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Comedy.)

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