‘The Mentalist’ season 7, episode 10: Who is most likely to die?

If you watched the promo for next week’s “The Mentalist,” then you already know that someone on this show will unfortunately be knocking on death’s door sooner rather than later. They will die during “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” and shake things up for the final three episodes that follow.

So who could it be? We’re not going to be so horrible as to try to spoil anything, but we can at least give you for now a list of who we feel are some of the prime candidates right now based on the evidence that is out there. Of course, at the end, we want to hear what you think! (We’re assuming the the character show dies is currently a regular part of the show.)

Jane or Lisbon – We can almost confirm that this is not happening. The promo for this episode shows the two of them talking about the death after the fact. Plus, the show is not going to gut its primary couple so soon to the end.

Cho – He’s not as likely a candidate as any of the more recent arrivals, and we assume that many would want to see him happy in the end. With that being said, this would be the #1 way to shock the characters to their core.

Abbott – This would throw the entire FBI division into chaos, but since we just had a big storyline with this character, is it really time to see him go?

Vega – We are worried for Vega, but the reality here is that we haven’t even known her for a dozen episodes. Losing her at this point would not be that stunning or that enormously impactful to some of the characters on the show.

Wylie – Right now, he’s near the top of the candidate list, but the logistics are the question mark here. He’s not out in the field in the way that the other characters are most of the time.

Overall, right now we’d say that we are the most worried about either Cho, Wylie, or Abbott, mostly because there is no real logical reason to do away with Vega and sell it as a huge moment. In the end, though, we have to see what the writers decide.

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