‘Saturday Night Live’ cast members Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones join Kristen Wiig in ‘Ghostbusters’
The summer schedules for Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones just got a little bit busier.
After months of rumors, the upcoming reboot of “Ghostbusters” directed by Paul Feig (“Bridesmaids”) now seems to have its entire cast figured out … and in case you are wondering what this has to do with a TV site, every single one of these people has some sort of connection to “Saturday Night Live.” Melissa McCarthy, who has hosted the show multiple times, is set to be the lead. Meanwhile, former cast member Kristen Wiig is in talks, and the other two stars are current cast members Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. It was only this year that Jones became a regular, with Lorne Michaels possibly realizing that the comedienne’s stock was very much on the rise. McKinnon has been with the show for the past few seasons, and has really become known for her impersonations of Ellen DeGeneres and Justin Bieber. She also has an Emmy nomination for her work on the show.
We feel like this is a heck of a cast, and in case you are wondering if production is going to interfere with the show in any way, it will not. Filming is set to begin this summer, which will be after the cast finish up their work on this season.
“SNL” is really the ideal breeding ground for many comic actors these days, given that it teaches you a variety of characters, how to write and prepare interesting ideas, and how to launch into the industry in some way. We feel like Lorne Michaels signing cast members to longer contracts is a good thing, since they are insulated for a few years where they can really learn.
What do you think about this news? Share below, and head over here to watch some highlights from this past “SNL” episode! Also, sign up to get some further TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: NBC.)