‘Sleepy Hollow’ season 2, episode 13 video: A painting comes to life, makes Katrina wary

Katrina -Monday night marks the return of “Sleepy Hollow” to Fox after a week off the air, and it is fair to say that this is going to be a heck of a strange episode, based on what we have for you below.

After all, how many other shows out there feature a storyline that is all about a painting that comes to life? The answer to that is “not many,” but this show is definitely trying to pull that off! In the sneak peeks below, you basically see two separate glimpses into this. First and foremost, we have the creation of this Painting of Doom, which is incredibly cheesy and also somehow cool at the same time. From there, we have another scene where it appears as though Katrina (Katia Winter) is the target of the man within the painting.

Could she actually be in danger? We wonder, but we also wonder how many fans would be upset over it? We’ve liked the Katrina character in bursts, but during the first half of the season the show really struggled when it comes to how to properly implement her into the modern world. Part of it just came out of habit; viewers became used to seeing Ichabod with Abbie, and it was suddenly strange to have her in the present alongside them. We also wonder what would have happened if you separated her from the group longer, and kept her presence from afar.

All we hope is that this episode is fun more than anything else. If it accomplishes that, we will be more than satisfied.

Want to get some other “Sleepy Hollow” news? Head over to the link here to see what Fox had to say about the show at TCA, or here to get some further TV updates on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)

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