‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ season 2 spoilers: Prepare for a beach house story!

What better time is there other than January to tell a story all about a beach house? Someone in the world of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” must have felt that, since the show’s midseason return on January 4 is going to be in part about a journey to one.

Apparently, Boyle seems to have a partial stake in a beach house (it’s a story about his divorce), and this has led to most of the precinct deciding that visiting it in January would be a great way for them all to spend a little bit of time unwinding / getting crazy.

Do you really think that this is a good idea? Well, it’s probably not, and that is part of the fun here. Anytime you get people like Amy away from work, it’s a chance to let some of her inner crazy start to unravel. On the flip side, Boyle is completely crazy for suggesting this in the first place.

One of the things that we have enjoyed about this second season is that slowly, the show has tried to introduce more long-running stories in between the Jake / Amy stuff, Rosa’s drug task force, and some of the rivalries that Captain Holt has. While we cannot say how many of these storylines will be present in this particular episode, we like that the show seems to not be forgetting about them.

With this being the first episode back after a pretty long hiatus, there is a major part of us that will just be happy if this particular installment makes us laugh.

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