‘The Amazing Race 25’ finale preview: Will Adam & Bethany’s surfing skills come in handy?
Going into the final leg of “The Amazing Race 25” on Friday night, it is pretty easy to have confidence in one team above virtually any other, and that team is Adam & Bethany.
Why is that? The sneak-peek video below presents one side of the story, since it shows the couple successfully completing a task that is all about rescuing a dummy from the water. Maybe this is some sort of real-life training mission for the Coast Guard, modified slightly for the show. Regardless, this seems to be the sort of thing that they will be able to hammer out quickly. They both have tons of experience in the water (clearly), and never get frazzled by anything.
This is one of those rare seasons where the team that actually has the most overall leg wins is not the one currently at the top of the power rankings. What’s going on with Jim & Misti? If we had to blame their lack of that key “favorite” status on anything, it would be mostly the non-elimination leg. Sometimes, they go so fast that they fail to see their own mistakes. Part of that is due to their own super-intense demeanor.
If there is one thing that we’re worried about for the surfers as they compete against the other teams, it is mostly that they have a memory task. We’re not sure how big of fans they are of this show, and maybe they did not prepare for it as well as some other teams did. Amy & Maiya are going to be extremely set for that if it comes, and we’re sure the Dentists will be as well.
We still feel like the Wrestlers probably don’t have any chance at all at at this, mostly because they get so rattled during non-physical tasks.
Who do you think is going to win “The Amazing Race” Friday? Share with a comment, and race over here to get some other TV coverage via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)
December 20, 2014 @ 6:04 pm
WOW ! What a dishonest manipulation!! Thinking back, it also happened in other races that those elimination stages were strangely placed to save Phil’s favorites or eliminate a team not so favored. The” once in the history of AR” inclusion of a struggling team, making 4 for the final race stage, was a real eye opener. Other teams were stronger throughout and the “sweet” team had one lucky day. The other teams won more stages, were overall stronger and more capable but the manipulation was meant to give the less deserving another shot. They really needed help because under the usual rules, they would have been gone. Hey, Phil, would you have considered doing this new thing for any of the other more deserving teams? Have you extended a huge benefit to any other team on any other race? And why watch the next series only to have another manipulation to favor one “sweet” team that you like over more deserving pairs ??? Well, there are other shows to try at this time slot. I do not like it when the rules change to suit the host at the last second. You did not even hint to the other teams that this might happen. You may feel good about season #25 but it was less than an honest race after you got finished manipulating the outcome. What a shame and a sad but enlightening look into the producers’ ethos.