‘The Good Wife’ season 6 spoilers: The debate arrives for Alicia, Prady

The Good WifeWant to know when you are going to see two of the foremost authorities in Chicago go at it? The Sunday, January 11 episode of “The Good Wife” is where to be.

While this episode is not currently titled, we know that it will follow up the trial debate in January 4’s “Hail Mary,” and also feature a great guest turn from none other than news-talk host Chris Matthews as the moderator from the event. Also (and go figure), be prepared to see more of David Hypde Pierce in the Frank Prady role.

Want to see even more right now? Then just take a look at the official synopsis for the episode below:

“Alicia and Frank Prady square off in a crucial debate in the race for State’s Attorney as Peter and the city of Chicago prepare for a potential riot, on THE GOOD WIFE, Sunday, Jan. 11 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network. Cable news host Chris Matthews appears as himself as the debate moderator. David Hyde Pierce returns as Frank Prady. Rachael Harris guest stars as Franny Zissis, an aide to the Mayor of Chicago.”

One of the reasons that we feel like this story works for this show, especially when it wouldn’t work for some others, is the thrill of the unknown. For example, there is not a confirmation in here that Alicia is actually going to win the election in the slightest. She could lose, and then find her own way to move forward. We’re totally fine with that.

What do you want to see on this episode of “The Good Wife”? Share your thoughts with a comment, and head over here to get some other news, including a preview for the next new installment. Also, sign up today to get some other great updates on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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