‘Arrow’ season 3 spoilers: Meet General Matthew Shrieve

Arrow -Throughout a good percentage of “Arrow” season 3, we spent a ton of time not knowing what exactly the connection was between the Hong Story storyline in the present. That is starting to make a little bit more sense now, and that will only pick up as we get a little further along into the season.

Today, we’re at least pleased to report that there is at least one other notable character on board. According to CBR, “BeastMaster” actor Marc Singer has been booked for the potentially-recurring role of General Matthew Shrieve. This character originated decades ago in the comics, and is described via Warner Bros. TV as follows:

“In the DC Comics, Matthew Shrieve is the leader of a group known as the Creature Commandos. In ‘Arrow’ he will play a significant role in the latter portion of the season’s flashback storyline.”

It’s a little early still to figure out how he will work into this story, but for now, the Hong Kong story seems to be mostly present to reminder us that Amanda Waller is a very dangerous person, and to also show more of what Ra’s al Ghul may have planned in the present, and just what he is capable of.

We are going to have further opportunities to talk about the show throughout this entire winter hiatus, but in terms of having a new episode to discuss, you will be waiting for a little while. New installments are not airing on The CW until Wednesday, January 21 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.

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