‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 11 video: The heat gets to Amy & Maiya
There are only two episodes left on “The Amazing Race 25,” but it looks like one of our #SweetScientists could end up melting under the hot sun of the Philippines.
At the tail end of the new preview below for Friday night’s new episode, you can see Amy of tea Amy & Maiya look like she is about to pass out, seemingly at the mat. The good news? That she makes it there. Unfortunately, we don’t quite know if this team is in first place, second, third, or last.
The interesting thing about this season is that the editing has been all over the place. At first, Jim & Misti seemed overconfident, but they have proven themselves now. Meanwhile, the wrestlers continue to survive, and while you could say that Adam & Bethany have a “winners’ edit,” how are you going to make them look bad? We don’t see how you can, given their demeanor and relaxed attitude about the race.
If we had to rank the teams right now, we’d say that the dentists are at the top, just because of their total legs won. Meanwhile, the surfers are next, and then we’d probably put Amy & Maiya in third. We don’t think that they are going to beat anyone in a footrace, but we feel much more confident about their abilities to complete any given task than the wrestlers. The only big mistake we feel like they’ve made is trusting what Brooke & Robbie told them a couple of legs ago, which almost got them eliminated.
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