ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 4, episode 9 review: A Daniel – Margaux shocker, Malcolm Black, and more

Daniel -Tonight, “Revenge” finally started to give us some answers on a variety of different topics, and that included learning a little about what David Clarke has been up to.

Enter Malcolm Black. We know that we are going to be seeing this character soon, and that he will be played by Tommy Flanagan of “Sons of Anarchy” fame. He is the one who was with David for much of the past several years, and he is supposedly even more dangerous that Conrad was. We’ll have to see just where this story goes, but it should be interesting.

Meanwhile, we also learned tonight about another big shocker: Margaux is pregnant! Presumably, this is Daniel’s child, and all of a sudden things change quickly for these two characters. Daniel has something to focus on other than his mother or Emily, and that is trying to become a better man for this child. We’ll see if that really happens.

Finally, we turn to shocker #3, and that is learning that Jack Porter’s new love interest is very bad news for Emily, and at the same time, he is getting closer and closer to her. There was even a towel sequence! We say it like that because it is such a soapy cliche.

This entire episode was not perfect by any means, mostly because we still don’t understand all of the David story and question whether or not bringing him back was a good choice. Beyond Emily seeing him for the first time, there hasn’t been anything that really tugged at us in a big way. Let’s just hope that this Malcolm character makes it worth it. Grade: B-.

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