‘The Walking Dead’ season 5, episode 6 review: Did Daryl and Carol find Beth?

The Walking DeadIt has been a while since we checked in with Daryl and Carol’s adventure on “The Walking Dead”, but tonight we are going to get a deeper look at what happened with them when they took off after Beth. We know that Daryl eventually ends up back at the church with a mystery person and that Carol will be brought into the hospital of no return as a patient, but what else happened?

Carol and Daryl are following the car with the white cross in hopes that it will lead them to Beth. When the car stops they see a cop in the car before it drives off into the city. Carol and Daryl hold up in a place nearby that Carol knows until daylight… a place that used to help shelter women in abusive relationships.

When Carol sees some of the abused women in the shelter have been turned into walkers, she wants to put them out of their eternal misery, but Daryl sends her to bed and as she sleeps he gives the women peace and burns their bodies, something that Carol is grateful for. We loved seeing the Daryl/Carol story touching back on the roots of how these two became so close in the first place.

The next day Daryl and Carol continue their journey, but they are not alone as Noah is following them. Noah confronts them, making them give up their weapons and then leaving them to get eaten by walkers. After escaping they are on the look out for more weapons, and Carol sees that Daryl took a book from the abuse center on dealing with childhood abuse. Was Daryl abused as a child? This could explain his inability to get close to anyone.

They find a van with the same hospital markings on it and figure out which hospital may be holding Beth, but before they can leave, they get trapped in the van by walkers who push the van over a bridge (but not before they hold hands and pray to god they don’t die.)

They later run into Noah and Daryl takes their stuff back, but they also want some answers. They learn that Noah not only knows Beth, but that he also knows where she is and can help them get to her.  Carol runs out into the street and gets hit by a car and they take her to the hospital where Beth is being held. Daryl and Noah steal a truck and head back to the church to gather the team to help Beth and Carol.

Watching Carol and Daryl laying in bed together is something that many shippers have wanted to see and even though nothing physical happened between them it was a beautiful, intimate moment. The Daryl and Beth episode that had the two of them bonding created a lot of shippers for this pair, but after seeing Carol and Daryl bonding again in the women’s shelter, it’s hard to see Daryl with anyone else but Carol. Episode grade: A +

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