MTV’s ‘Awkward’ season 4, episode 17 review: Sadie and Lissa, Jake and Tamara, and Valentines galore
What is more “Awkward” than a Valentine’s Day episode that was airing at the end of October? That is a question worthy of debate
right now, and the MTV show gave us a great one Tuesday night.
This was an installment that was from start to finish stuffed with a whole avalanche of strange moments featuring Jenna Hamilton and company, starting off with a party bus that was all sorts of strange. Jenna tried to, much like FDR, give everyone a “New Deal” when it comes to their romantic plans in the wake of the Dude Database Disaster. While she succeeded in giving quite a few people another chance, she ruined the chances of Gabby and Matty to have a romantic date for the night. It turned out that Gabby was a virgin, and this changed quite a bit of Jenna’s perception of their relationship.
Perhaps the weirdest, but also most entertaining, part of the half-hour was seeing how Lissa handled the results of being completely blitzed on Molly, which she ate off of the party bus thinking it was candy. Basically, she was persuaded to make out with Sadie (which was instant hilarity), and then started kissing random people at the dance. Lissa has been the MVP of this season, and while we miss Ming and feel like the show is not longer as great as it was, we appreciate new risks that do pay off.
Of course, we’d be even happier if things progressed a little more in tonight’s episode. The only significant development we would say is the one-night fling that Jake and Tamara had. That’s going to leave a mark for a while. Grade: B.
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