‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 2 preview: The hats say it all…

Amazing Race -While we’re still bummed out about the ratings the new season of “The Amazing Race” drew on Friday night, but, it does seem like the producers did put a decent amount of money into it. After all, they started in Times Square (not a cheap place to film), and they moved from there over to the Virgin Islands, and seem to be heading next to the United Kingdom.

Just from the locations and the costumes alone in the preview alone (palace guards!), it seems like we could be in store for a really fun leg of the race. At this point, we don’t quite know any of the teams well enough to say whether or not we’re rooting for this person or that person. All we know is that we want competition, and for things to be exciting.

What we do know, at least for now, is that Misti & Jim are going to be okay no matter what. The dentists have a Save that comes with winning the first leg, and that enables them to basically have their own non-elimination leg. They seem to be struggling in the preview, but it’s far too early to assume that this means that they are going to be in trouble. We’ve watched 24 seasons of this show, and that should be more than plenty for us to know that actions in the promo ultimately mean nothing when the dust finally settles.

Now, if only we could have someone go back in time, improve, the ratings, and get rid of the stupid hashtags that refer to Shelley & Nici as #MomDaughter … which is just weird.

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Photo: CBS


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