‘Big Brother 16’ review: Skittles, ‘Zariana,’ and Donny’s latest heroics
Tonight’s “Big Brother” episode was mostly saved by Donny being awesome. Heck, at the moment Donny is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the entire show. Even though he has no allies and the entire house is stacked against him, he continues to find ways to stick around and survive.
Tonight, that came in the form of an epic Battle of the Block where we saw Donny find a way to win despite three people were working against him. This was to us actually a much more epic win than Frankie’s last week. Donny is a beast! Seriously, it’s hard not to root for the guy, even if his strategic game isn’t very good. He does have a sharp mind and is self-aware, but he struggles at actually making alliances and executing moves.
This was the highlight of the episode to us, given that the rest of the episode was kind of week. We feel like Derrick is not being completely honest with us when he claims that he didn’t want Donny out this week, and most of the Zach targeting is still ridiculous and it makes us hate Team America more. This twist has basically screwed his game over from start to finish, turned him into the ultimate scapegoat, and created an alliance that does not really exist of people who aren’t even the most popular save for Donny.
Also, about that Cody / Christine segment … that was mostly just there to justify the Zingbot coming after the two of them Wednesday with Kathy Griffin. The random Zankie segment and the “Zariana” comment? Just pandering at this point. Zach seems to care away more about Frankie than vice-versa right now. Grade: B.
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Photo: CBS
August 18, 2014 @ 1:35 am
Poor Donny has to fight all alone. He has from the beginning. The excuse Derrick gave for not putting Victoria is a crock. If that’s the case then Donny shouldn’t have been put up. Of course we know why Derrick didn’t want her put up, the rest of his alliance is too stupid to see it.