‘MasterChef’ season 5, episode 10 review: Cutter and the chocolate factory

Tonight’s “MasterChef” was all about romance, even at times on a very obnoxious and extreme level. You had Gordon Ramsay saying the word “stunning” so many times to describe his wife the it felt almost like smothering, some random proposal that came out of nowhere following a steak so rare that we wouldn’t touch it, and then Leslie trying to make a box of chocolates in the pressure test while using the methodology that he wanted something that would make his wife want to make out with him.

The first part of the episode feels somewhat like an afterthought compared to what is came up in the pressure test: After Ahran’s team lost, she had to move into the pressure test … where Leslie was again. Seriously, this man has been in so many of these we’re not sure he’s had a break in the competition at all.

We really liked this challenge, mostly because it’s one of those few things that we don’t remember the show after tackling before. Truffles are hard, and immediately after watching this, we wanted some chocolate for ourselves. All of this was great from an entertainment standpoint: Cutter somehow managed to make the best box of chocolates imaginable completely out of nowhere, and we’re somewhat convinced that he should go open a chocolate factory after this. Also, Leslie’s looked like they were straight out of a nightmare. We’re sure that his wife would run the other way screaming after looking at these.

The only problem with this episode was just how darn predictable it was! The moment that Christine struggled to produce good chocolate, we knew she was going home. She hasn’t received a big edit, and there was no way that the show was getting rid of Leslie for drama purposes. Plus, his chocolate apparently tasted good.

What did you think about this “MasterChef” episode, and did the right person go home? Share your thoughts below.

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