‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Zach trolls Amber, and the votes become clearer

Amber -Really for the first time since the time that the Veto Ceremony occurred in the “Big Brother 16” house earlier this week, we’re actually starting to feel pretty secure about who is going to be leaving the house this week.

Thanks to some hard campaigning, and also Devin being so loathsome in the house that they want to tick him off, Zach is likely to stay in the house in a fairly close vote. Right now, we’re expecting either an 8-4 or a 7-5 decision. It should be noted that Cody and Derrick, rather than trying to split votes to cause chaos, are both now firmly voting to evict Paola. This keeps there from being any real trouble.

Our favorite moment from last night, though, had to be Amber starting to lose her mind after Zach told her that the entire house thinks that she is working with Caleb and Devin. This subtle move may be enough to get her to side with almost everyone else. Zach is not a perfect player by any means (take a look at how he got nominated in the first place), but he is pretty excellent at making little digs that get people all riled up.

The person who is really suffering this week? Paola. She has barely done anything the past few days to really save herself, and the only person who really helped her was Brittany … who tried to mount a brief campaign to keep her last night to save her, but it didn’t really go anywhere.

We’ll see if everything holds up over the rest of the day, though, given that there is still theoretically time for the house to flip again and for people to go crazy.

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Photo: CBS

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