‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 5 spoilers: Will Ali run away again?

What's next -It’s hard to blame Alison DiLaurentis for being a little bit wary about staying in Rosewood at the moment. As we’ve seen on “Pretty Little Liars” time and time again, this seems to be where death is a common occurrence and where secrets get buried so deep that it takes years to get them out of the ground.

We know that next week’s 100th episode entitled “Miss Me x 100” (watch a preview for it here) is going to be huge, and will probably also introduce a few new shockers that we did not think much about until now. So going into the next episode, what we know is that Ali will at least be thinking about getting the heck out of Dodge. With a title like “Run, Ali, Run!,” this should be pretty obvious.

If you do want to see a few more details now when it comes to just what you can expect from this story, just take a look at the official synopsis below:

“With the town of Rosewood trying to get back to normal, the PLLs — especially Ali — are far from okay after the latest “accident.” Thinking that it wasn’t the right decision to come home after all, Ali starts to consider leaving for good. But Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are determined to keep her safe in Rosewood and to figure out who and what is behind this latest incident.

“Meanwhile, Caleb also starts second-guessing his return, and Ezra dives into his research to help find answers.”

We wonder why Caleb is doubting his return; does it have something to do with Travis still being around? Also, we’re glad to see Ezra having an active role again rather than sitting on the sidelines recovering.

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Photo: ABC Family

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