‘True Blood’ season 7, episode 2 spoilers: Alexander Skarsgard, Carrie Preston, more chatter

Sunday night, “True Blood” will return once again to HBO, and hopefully at some point during the hour we will find out the answer to an extremely important question: What in the world is going to happen to Arlene and Holly?

During the premiere, we saw the two parties being captured, and they are now in a position that many have been in before: Captured. They have to figure out how in the world they want to survive, and we imagine that this is not going to be easy for them to figure it out. This is one of the most unknown villains that the likes of these characters have faced before, and we already know that they have a capacity to be deadly based on what we saw during the premiere.

As for another mystery, we know that in this episode you are going to at least get some more information about what in the world is going on with Alexander Skarsgard’s Eric. The last that we saw him was the finale, and Pam is out there still looking for him. Given that the episode is entitled “I Found You,” that certainly suggests that you have a reason to be hopeful. Also, remember here that this is the final season of the show, and are they really going to keep one of the most-popular characters of the show off-screen for most of the run? We sincerely doubt it. We know that in between Sunday’s episode and the next one, you should get at least some answers about where he’s been and what he’s been up to.

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