‘Big Brother 16’ on ‘The Talk’: Julie Chen, evictions, and a possible game spoiler?
For some reason, we continue to watch the “Big Brother” special on “The Talk” every year. As a matter of fact, it may be the only episode of “The Talk” that we watch every year. The show has managed this bizarre pattern of not really revealing much of anything about the upcoming season, and still we tune in ever year as excited as we were the year before.
This year, it was no exception, and the only thing that we maybe could take away from this in terms of the game is that there is a TON of testosterone in the house this year. The sneak peek we got was basically of the men doing a variety of push-ups while Zoey, Paola, and Donny all watched on. In other words, these guys were all reminding the others how big of physical threats they really are. We’re going to totally hate this season if it is just all machismo all the time, given that most of these players are the sort that think that competition wins are the only thing that really matter. Maybe these guys will pair up, since they all seemed happy to be around each other.
However, we’ve learned covering “Big Brother” over the years to not believe anything for sure unless a houseguest is telling us either in private, or in the Diary Room.
As for the episode itself, Aisha Tyler won both the Head of Household and also the Power of Veto, and eventually Sheryl Underwood was evicted over Sharon Osbourne. This was hardly a surprise, though, given that every year the show likes to eliminate someone new based on who wins what. This is mostly a chance to see professional people embarrass themselves, for Big Jeff fans to rejoice about seeing him on TV, and for us to see what the new house really looks like with a game in action.
In case you missed it yesterday, click here to see who we predicted as the winner for this season. Also, you can sign up today to grab additional updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS