‘White Collar’ season 6: Some fun via Matt Bomer

What's next? -Production for “White Collar” season 6 is currently underway, and we have to say that we are thoroughly excited about the fact that Matt Bomer is finally using his Twitter account now. It gives him a chance to show off his sense of humor, promote some causes, and also give an update or two when it comes to the show.

Given that this is the final season, though, it is probably a little insane to expect there to be just a whole heap of updates related to production on the internet. There is no way that anyone would want to run the risk of people figuring the ending out. So instead, we present to you a picture of Bomer in a fox mask with a “what does the fox say?” caption.

Fox -Clearly, this is all a part of some sort of elaborate code, and Bomer is trying to hint that the final season of the show is really a spin-off of “The Fly,” where the man known for out-foxing many people within law enforcement over the years eventually ends up becoming a fox himself. This is going to cause Wes Anderson in turn to greenlight a sequel to “Fantastic Mr. Fox” starring him in the lead role. (Okay, we’re done now.)

Also, this week marked the birthday of one of Bomer’s co-stars in Tim DeKay, which led to this rather nice message:

Happy birthday @TimDeKay! You are a prince among men, and I’m so lucky to have worked with you for 6 years.”

Do you want to read some additional scoop now pertaining to “White Collar” moving forward? Then our simple suggestion is just to head on over to the link here. Also, you can sign up today in the event that you want more TV updates sent right to you via our official newsletter.

Photo: USA, Twitter / Matt Bomer

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