‘Bones’ season 9 finale review: Why was Booth shot, and did he survive?

Take a look -Monday night’s “Bones” season 9 finale basically pulled out everything that we feel the show has been missing as of late: Relentless action, but also a sense of mystery and uncertainty throughout.

The way that the episode began, with us seeing Booth being carted to the hospital covered in wounds, was enough to make us concerned and worried at the same time. While we felt pretty sure about the fact that he would make it through the operation okay, it was more a question of what would be waiting him on the other side.

Clearly, there was a legion of people, or specifically someone within a high-level government organization, who wanted Booth dead thanks to the information that he learned about someone tied to McNamara and the Ghost Killer. This lead to the committee hearing from Hell (one of the best scenes of the season), and then the shootout.

The lesson that we learned at the very end here was that Booth and Brennan were right from the very beginning about this conspiracy running deep, but there was nothing that they could do about it. For one, they were physically damaged by a shootout with three men intent on taking Booth’s life, and then, the episode closed with them both being handcuffed. (For David Boreanaz’s character, this meant having cuffs on while in his hospital bed. Terrible.)

This was a great episode despite all the sadness in it, and we’re already wondering about what’s coming up with Christine. We hope the show really takes its time with this story in the fall, since this is one heck of an interesting cliffhanger to have us talking about for a while. Grade: A-.

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Photo: Fox

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