‘True Blood’ season 7 spoilers: The Alexander Skarsgard search

A surprise -So far, “True Blood” season 7 has basically created a vault for anything and everything related to the Eric Northman character. They recognize the value of the surprise, and they have therefore been extremely hesitant to give away anything that could ruin the shock of what is coming up.

Well, we do at least have some details that suggest how long the mystery of Alexander Skarsgard’s character could last … but they are not necessarily that revealing. You can see that below, as we now have (per SpoilerTV) the short synopses for each of the first two episodes of the season.

Episode 7×01, “Jesus Gonna Be Here” – “A band of rogue H-vamps attacks Bon Temps.”

Episode 7×02, “I Found You” – “Sookie and Jason visit an abandoned town in search of clues; Pam continues to search for Eric.”

Obviously, the temptation is going to be here to look at that second synopsis in particular and sort of wonder to yourself whether or not “I Found You” is a reference to Eric. Maybe it is, but an episode title is not something that gets out there in advance by accident, and either is a synopsis. these are the sort of details that HBO wants us to see, and these are very clever people. therefore, we are not ruling out that there may have been some sort of chance taken here to truly surprise us.

The premiere is coming on Sunday, June 22, so how about a toast to the fact that it’s just over a month away? those of you who love this fang-tastic show do not have to wait much longer at all.

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Photo: HBO

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