‘The Blacklist’ finale spoilers: James Spader, Megan Boone, and the end of ‘Berlin’
Next week, “The Blacklist” is set to say goodbye to the first season with a story entitled “Berlin: Conclusion” … and that is rather hopeful. After all, this potentially means that we could be at the end of the road when it comes to this component of Raymond Reddington’s past. Hopefully, we are going to find out who he is actually squaring off against, and who he is so afraid of that he has recruited the help of the FBI.
The first thing that you should know, though, is the full synopsis that was released recently by NBC:
“With the crashing of the mysterious prisoner transport plane, the city is on lock down as the authorities are on the hunt for all the escapees. Meanwhile, with Red (James Spader) in custody, Liz (Megan Boone) uses her power to get him out since he is their best chance at finding all the suspects. Elsewhere, their main objective is to track down Berlin, a prisoner on the plane who is somehow involved.”
So unsurprisingly, much of this episode is going to be a race against time, as the two parties scramble to find the right people before it’s too late, and their hopes to learn what Berlin has been up to become scattered in the wind.
Will there be some loose ends at the end of the episode? We hope for, since there needs to be something that we can look forward to on the show moving ahead. We just hope that the writers at least give us something to feed good about when it comes to answers. We want to know something more! The fact that this show is so good is what makes us so interesting about what lies ahead.
Photo: NBC