MTV’s ‘Awkward.’ season 4, episode 3 review: Jenna’s mentoring madness
The #1 rule of “Awkward.” for Jenna Hamilton seems to ultimately be pretty simple: No matter what she tries to do, nothing ever seems to work out
for her like she wants. We saw that yet again during Tuesday night’s “Touched By an Angel,” which was a funny half-hour that also turned sad a few too many times.
After a strong outing last week, our concern when it comes to the Jenna / Matty relationship is a simple one: Can we stop with the broken record already? These two have danced the same days for the past several years, and there is almost nothing that we can learn from seeing the two go back and forth anymore. Matty remains aloof, and Jenna wants something more from him than he wants to offer. Therefore, the two fight, and this ends up leading to the “shocker” at the end of the episode where we end up seeing Eva seemingly get with him inside. She seems to be much less caring about anything real, and what Matty actually wants right now. He may not be trying to be deliberately hurtful, but he was.
The story regarding Jenna and her new “mentor” was very funny to watch, since she was stuck with someone in Angel who ended up taking all of her advice wrong, and proclaiming at the end that her new goal was to be 16 and pregnant. No good on this front. In case the actress looked familiar to you, it’s because Hannah McIalwain was a previous contestant on Oxygen’s short-lived (but awesome) “The Glee Project.” It’s good to see some of them finding work even beyond the show they were trying to be on here.
Alongside the mentoring plot, we continued to have the latest chapter in Tamara and Jake’s twisted relationship. They’re not together, he’s acting out, and she’s freaking out about it to the point she decided to catfish him. There was some humor here, but this has never been our favorite relationship on the show to begin with.
In the end, this was a weaker “Awkward.” episode just based on the laughs quotient, but a lesser episode of this is probably still better than most other comedies. It just needs to back away from Jenna and Matty for a few weeks, and the show will be so much better for it. Grade: B-.
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Photo: MTV