‘The Tomorrow People’ episode 21 review: Astrid and John get closer; Jedekiah’s surprise

We were waiting for most of “The Tomorrow People’s” first season for it to become the show that we knew that it could be, and with Monday night’s new episode “Kill Switch,” we feel more confident than we have to date that the series is really starting to figure it out. (Warning: There are spoilers ahead from the episode, so you’ve been warned!)

The biggest story to report as of right now has to be the big reveal that Jedikiah has powers all of a sudden, and he’s not exactly being liberal when it comes to using them. He’s had his moments at times of doing good things, but you know that this cannot lead to more of them. Mark Pellegrino had some of his best tender moments early on in the episode. Now, he’s in full-on “I will kill things” mode.

It’s ironic given the John – Jedikiah connection that John would be the person to lose his powers, but he did gain something else: Romance with Astrid. It’s really sweet, but then again, how old is Astrid supposed to be? That’s the major awkward part of this relationship, which we once again blame the producers for. There was no reason that Stephen and Astrid shouldn’t have been college students from the pilot onward, and it would keep this problem from happening.

It’s interesting that Stephen and his family really played a backup role for most of this, but they did to us. The major thing to remember is Roger getting wired into the machine of The Founder (still very much alive), which is going to cause all sorts of enormous problems moving into the finale. If next week is the show’s finale, it will at least be going out with a bang … or a serious of bangs. This is going to be crazy.

One final thing: Did anyone feel weird for Cara in all this? Stephen’s been with Hillary lately, and John now has Astrid. Who does she have? We suppose this is just a consequence that comes with being a leader. Grade: B.

What do you think about tonight’s episode of “The Tomorrow People”? Share below.

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