‘True Blood’ season 7: Sam Trammell lines up first post-show project

Sam -While some soon-to-be-former stars of “True Blood” are looking more towards the world of film while starting to plot out their future, some other actors are taking a variety of different options into consideration.

For Sam Trammell, he is looking after years of playing Sam Merlotte to a creative new venture over at Amazon. Per The Hollywood Reporter, he has signed on to star in “Cocked,” a new pilot about family dynamics and also the gun manufacturing industry. Sam’s character of Richard Paxson left the trade to pursue other avenues, but has not found much success at it. Unfortunately for him, though, he somehow finds himself back in the middle of working with his father and brother in a world that he thought he had left behind.

Just based on the subject matter alone in guns, this is probably going to be a controversial pilot, but one that could answer some questions about how this trade really works. It also is coming from someone who is very much familiar with the world of production already in “Lie To Me” creator Samuel Baum.

Amazon is still looking to produce what could be their own version of “House of Cards,” which goes on to become a global sensation and puts them on the map like Kevin Spacey did for Netflix. They haven’t landed on that hit just yet, but they are making moves in the right direction. One of their other promising projects right now is “Hand of God,” which stars Ron Perlman in his first major series role since “Sons of Anarchy.”

We’re thrilled for Trammell in that we’ve always loved his work as an actor, but felt at times that he hasn’t quite had enough to do as Sam Merlotte. Hopefully, this will change that for him.

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Photo: HBO

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