‘Shark Tank’ preview: The PowerPot, Fun Time Express, and an Ava the Elephant update
This is turning out to be a “Shark Tank” kind of week. Yesterday, we had a chance to see some products shown off in a special Thursday episode (one that we’re hoping never happens again; we like the show on Fridays).
Now, we’re back to business as usual, and showing off some of the latest unique products that Kevin O’Leary and company are going to get an opportunity to take a look at. We’ll start with the official synopsis from ABC, and then get into a little more detail about what some of these companies and inventions are:
“A guitar player from Dallas, TX hopes to sing his way into a deal for his service that helps people find and hire music instructors; a firefighter from San Diego, CA has come up with a simple way to stop costly, accidental fire sprinkler activations; two friends from Salt Lake City, UT show how they can turn fire and water into a battery charger; and two men from Chicago, IL hope the Sharks will get on board with their indoor trackless train that can be used at the mall or even private parties. In a follow up segment, Tiffany Krumins from Auburn, GA and creator of Ava the Elephant medicine dispenser gives an update on her business.”
We’ll start here with the PowerPot, mostly because we personally find anyone who manages to come up with an alternative energy source pretty brilliant. Also, losing power of your phone on a camping trip is something that tends to happen often. It’s hard to tell just how practical this would actually be in application (we’re not the consumer market for this thing), mostly because the price point is pretty high compared to just remembering to charge your phone before camping for a couple of days.
One other interesting product to watch is the Fun Time Express, mostly because we see the idea of a train attraction for the whole family being fun to watch on the show. If you were to ask us whether or not we think that this will actually fare well on the show, it’s a little too unwieldy (or so we think; we’ll find out tonight).
In case you missed it, click here to read our full review of last night’s “Shark Tank” episode. You can also sign up to get further updates from our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: ABC