MTV’s ‘Awkward.’ season 4 video: A new variation on the ‘trailer’

The latest -In just a week’s time, “Awkward.” is going to be back on MTV, and hopefully that means everything that you have come to love about the show will be as well: The random comedy, the nostalgia of high school, Sadie being awful, and of course drama. For a show about the laughs, there is always a ton of drama.

In the video below, we would not necessarily say that there is that much to talk about from the standpoint of new footage; instead, it’s more like getting to listen to the director’s commentary on DVD, with the only major twist in here being that the director is Tamara. This is a fun little idea, and while it’s obvious that these lines were recorded later as a part of some weird, disembodied voice stunt, we’re not going to be too upset about MTV doing what they can to promote the show.

After all, the network has taken some pretty big risks when it comes to “Awkward.” as of late … especially when it comes to its air date. This show seemed to have a lot going for it airing during the summer, since there was no school on at the time. Spring is riskier, given that there is more competition, more classes to attend, and it’s also on at a reasonably late time that occasionally stretched beyond 11:00 p.m. Eastern last fall. It’s to be seen if that happens again, but we just hope the show weathers the ratings storm again. (Also, we still hope that it hands the showrunner change well.)

If you want to see some more good stuff from the “Awkward.” world before the premiere airs, click here for a musical recap of the first three seasons. You can also sign up now for more updates on all the not-so-awkward stuff we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: MTV

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Awkward., Full Episodes

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