‘Survivor: Cagayan’ episode 4 review: A tribe swap, a blindside, and other surprises
The best episodes of “Survivor” to us are the ones where you see different tribes and surprising new dynamics … and boy, did we ever get that in the new episode Wednesday night! The game changed immediately from the moment that the swap happened, and this showed yet again that the tribe to start off the episode with reduced numbers was not necessarily the one to be picked off.
First of all, the Brains tribe completely lucked out by all getting to be a part of the same tribe, and then getting a group from the Beauty tribe who are as dysfunctional as dysfunctional can be. They really just wanted to all go to the Brains, bash each other, and strike a final four deal! We would’ve probably gone with Alexis if we were them, but we also know more about her being more trustworthy than the other two.
The only thing that was crazier than that is that the new tribe with the Brains, who has only one person from the Brawn in their group in Sarah, still managed to win an immunity challenge that involved a ton of Brawn tribe members on it. For this new group (Woo, Tony, Cliff, LJ, Lindsey, Trish, and Jefra), it became a battle of numbers. Basically, this broiled down to the battle between Cliff and LJ as to who was the right person to be voted out … and Cliff went!
The reason for the change was thanks to Trish and Tony, who each made the interesting decision to flip … but probably the right one. They each realized more than likely that they were in fourth or fifth place in that group, and they are now much higher on the totem pole. They’ve also gotten rid of a major threat after the merge, and Tony has two other things that really matter a lot: An immunity idol, and also Sarah still on the other tribe. It’s not good to screw over two other people still in the game, but we don’t hate the move as much after thinking about it as he did when he first made it.
The only major problem with the move is this: What happens at the merge? The Beauty tribe can reunite, and they may find themselves in big trouble and in need of a lifeline. This turns the Brawn into the knew Tandang … and it could be even worse next week. Grade: B+.
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Photo: CBS