‘Opposite Worlds’ review: Is the game finally on?

Opposite Worlds -One of the biggest criticisms of “Opposite Worlds” as a game so far has been this: The big twist at the center of it has meant nothing. Team Chronos had spent the entirety of the show in the present, while Team Epoch was stuck in the past, having to do disgusting things and get adjusted to sleeping in the cold.

Given the sort of team that Epoch had without both Wyatt and Angela, it was hard to imagine any way that they were going to pull off a win in the Worldly Challenge. Of course, this is when they actually managed to do it! The first major twist of the game was that as a condition of winning this time and being without numbers, they got to choose a member of the opposing team to join them … and of course they picked Frank. Thanks to this, Epoch now seems horribly unbalanced and strong with Frank, even if Chronos still has Jesse.

The “Future Epoch” at least had the right idea of still trying to make themselves adorable to America, even with their new setting. They decided to sleep with beds that were all touching each other, and still kept their familial bond very much intact. Even Frank decided that he was going to be mostly kind and accommodating, though his loyalty is still very much in question (as it should be).

What will be interesting is seeing what sort of results come from Jesse voting most popular (only because Angela was eliminated), and from Jeffry being least popular again. Can you imagine the ego clash now? There were a few great moments that came following the Worldly Challenge, including Jeffry’s solitary confinement, Danielle breaking down about being in the past, and also Jesse reverting back to a mode that will all but ensure he is not voted popular again.

Then, came the selected of the Protected for the week. Epoch made a pretty smart choice with JR, given that he is a solid, all-around player; meanwhile, Jesse was for the opposing team. This was a very obvious but very smart move when you remember that they need to ensure that whoever gets this honor is someone that America could vote for … and Chronos thinks that America likes Jesse. Plus, they need him for physical challenges.

Now that the tables have turned, “Opposite Worlds” has risen somewhat from the ashes. We didn’t know if this was a show that we really wanted to be excited about anymore, but in between the strategy and the great individual moments, we’re hooked again. Grade: A-.

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Photo: Syfy

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