Amanda Knox will appear on ‘Good Morning America’ after conviction in Italy

This afternoon, the internet exploded with some more shocking news in the already-shocking story of Amanda Knox: In yet another trial that was conducted in Italy after she was already found not guilty of murdering her British roommate, she was suddenly found guilty and sentenced to more than 20 years of prison along with ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito.

For those of you who haven’t been following the story, the brief recap is that she was originally found guilty, served two years of prison, and then was found not guilty and released in 2011. That is when she returned to America, but the court later vacated that decision and opted to have a third trial in Florence. Is there a way for this ruling to be enforced? Sure, but Knox would have to be extradited for it to happen, and there is no indication right now that the United States is going to be doing that.

Instead, the big news coming out today is that Knox is going to be appearing on “Good Morning America” Friday in order to talk about this latest wrinkle in the case. This is not the first time that she has done a series of interviews, as she previously spoke with Diane Sawyer of ABC News last year. She also has a memoir out entitled Waiting to Be Heard. Heck, Knox’s story has been so well-publicized that there is a Lifetime movie out there about her life.

Is Friday’s “GMA” episode going to be must-watch TV? It is certainly coming closer and closer to that happening, since you may have heard the news already about Tim Tebow getting a chance to guest-host the show on Friday. All of that serves as huge competition to “The Today Show,” who would love to boost their own audience leading into the Sochi Olympics.

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