‘Best Ink’ season 3, episode 5 review: Danny Lepore quits; should he be eliminated?
This season of “Best Ink” hasn’t held back when it comes to personalities. You have Izzi who was fighting with everyone, May May who thinks she’s never wrong, Lara who thinks she’s queen bee and Danny who despite being a great tattooer for such a young age constantly seems to be battling his own immaturity.
For the flash challenge the artists are brought to a Japanese garden and are told that they are doing an anime. They have to do three panels illustrating their past, present and future (we better see someone’s “future” panel being them winning this show). Anthony and Danny are both struggling with the anime genre since neither of them really know anything about it… so what do they do? They hang out together for the challenge instead of sitting with others who know what anime is. Our biggest problem with this challenge is that they should’ve given an example at the beginning of the challenge for people that don’t know what anime is since it is such a niche topic. In the end Joe and Alayna were the top dogs but only one can win and that winner was Joe.
After the flash challenge (back at the loft) Danny announces he’s quitting. Last week he had a meltdown and talked about quitting, but this time he straight up quit saying that he can’t handle the stress of the competition. Joe decides to “talk” to Danny (which was really him telling Danny off) and in the end Danny decides to stay. This is something that we really hate… people who quit and then end up staying in a competition. If you don’t want to be there then go home, because as a viewer we really don’t want to watch someone competing that doesn’t have the passion to step up and do whatever it takes to win, especially after taking a spot on the show that thousands of other artists fought to have. This was the same problem we had with Tatu Baby on “Ink Master” when the judges hand held her back into the competition and all the way to the final 3.
After doing Asian style tattoos for the elimination challenge, Joe, Willy and Alayna are the top three and Alayna wins. The bottom 3 are, Danny, Anthony and May May and once again May May was saved despite being in the bottom 3 over and over. Out of Anthony and Danny we were hoping Danny was going to be sent home since Anthony actually wants to be there (and did a decent tattoo despite being sick), but we ended up seeing Anthony go home.
Also… what was with Pete Wentz ugly 1980’s sweatshirt? Was this a dare? This was a hard grade to give this week because as entertaining as this episode was, we hate quitters. Grade: B-
Do you think that Anthony should’ve gone home this week or should Danny have been sent packing after threatening to quit?