ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 6 spoilers: When could Nathan Fillion, James Brolin reunite?
Earlier this fall, you probably heard the breaking “Castle” news that James Brolin was going to be returning to the show, but now there is another question that we have an answer to: When is the actor coming back?
Speaking to TVLine, show creator Andrew W. Marlowe confirms that we will be seeing Brolin reprise his part as Jackson Hunt early in the show’s return, and for an episode that is tentatively scheduled to air on Monday, January 20. (Note the word “tentatively,” since there are a number of reasons why this can change at the last minute depending on what the producers want to do with the show.)
The biggest surprise to us is that the episode is not immediately set during the February sweeps, which is typically a time when networks want bigger episodes to air. The only real explanation for that shift may be because ABC is well aware that we are looking at a very different kind of landscape this year versus most other years, and you have the Olympics to thank for that. While it’s not always the same warrior as the Summer Games, the Winter Olympics are still a ratings force for NBC, and you don’t always want to place your most-popular episodes up against that sort of competition.
While the return of the Jackson character is huge news, there are still all sorts of questions out there that still need to be asked, including whether or not he will meet anyone other than Castle this time around, and if he will disappear into the night again. While it’s great that Nathan Fillion’s character now knows the identity of his dad, that doesn’t really make up for the many years that the two spent apart, or that Rick knew nothing about him until he was already a father to an adult child of his own.
Excited about Brolin’s return, and what do you want to see happen with the character? Share any and all theories that you have below, and click here if you’re curious to read our full Midseason Report Card for “Castle” season 6.
Photo: ABC
December 4, 2013 @ 4:09 pm
I want him to kill Bracken!
J. R. Moore
December 4, 2013 @ 2:18 pm
I’d like to see Kate is kidnapped by 3xk and Rick finds out that she’s pregnant but hasn’t told him yet. Rick’s Dad comes in and rescues her and kills 3xk.
December 4, 2013 @ 12:06 pm
Can’t wait to see James/Jackson back. Bring on Jan 6th.
Mela Ansmith
December 4, 2013 @ 5:07 am
I want to see his attend the wedding of Castle and Beckett, with Martha on his arm!