ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 3 spoilers: Is Josh Bowman ready to leave Daniel Grayson behind?
November is a month where we frequently read stories all about characters being killed off or replaced, and now only feels perfect to talk about the latest controversy that is stemming from the world of ABC’s “Revenge“: We could be seeing the end of Daniel Grayson by the end of this year, at least if Josh Bowman convinces the writers to do away with the character this year.
Bowman made his remarks on the subject in an interview with TV Guide, where he explained that he plans to talk with producers of the show about possibly doing away with his character. What’s the reason for it? He really has a hard time grasping what the man’s motivations are these days after constantly floating from one alliance to the next:
“I’m trying to pitch a Daniel death by the end of the season. I love working on the show, but I’m just being honest. My character has flip-flopped the most, and it’s been so hard for me to play … [If he does stick around], he should be despicable, disgusting and emotionless — worse than Conrad. Everything that he never wanted to be times 10! For me, that would be fun and the only way to keep him around.”
We do understand quite a bit of where Bowman is coming from, at least when it comes to frustrations. His character has spent all season as a pawn, and he has been there many times before. Not only that, but the show’s ratings are going down, and it has to be hard to play in this position when you have more evil people on one side, and Emily’s camp on the other. Even Jack gets to be in on the secret at this point.
But talking about it to the press right now? We don’t know if that’s the right move or not, since it’s really airing out your dirty laundry, and possibly spoiling a death that could happen if you get your way. From an editorial standpoint it’s great to get this sort of honesty in print, but from a creative standpoint, we imagine that it’s pretty frustrating to Sunil Nayar and the team trying to pull cleanup duty on the show this year following a pretty disappointing season 2 that really derailed the show.
“Revenge” will be shifting to Sunday nights at 10:00 p.m. Eastern later this spring, which will be an opportunity to see if it can find more of an audience at a new time. Based on the history of that spot, we’re not that optimistic.
Photo: ABC
November 20, 2013 @ 6:38 pm
That was the right thing to do, because they downplayed his character, he is just playing stupid all the time, so do Conrad, so do Charlotte, so do Victoria. They are not the brightness people in town. By the way, season 2 was great not flawless, but great. If the rating is down is not because of S2, it’s because of the showrunner’s choice and S3 itself.
November 21, 2013 @ 11:54 pm
By the way, he is not leaving, he is just doing the jog they asked him to do: a sale speech to the press.