ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 6, episode 8 review: ‘A Murder is Forever,’ and trouble for Linus the Lion

The latest -As someone who enjoys and appreciates the world of “Castle” more than most we have to be honest, as well, and say when the show isn’t living up to its usual standard. “A Murder is Forever” is one of those such occasions. This was not a terrible episode by any means, but it just didn’t really bring that much to the table and in a few weeks’ time, we are really not going to remember it at all.

As a matter of fact, the best inclusion to the show this week was a delightful little beast known as Linus the Lion, who never spoke and who Castle pitched a fit about after Beckett proclaimed that she did not want the beast staring at her as she was trying to sleep at night. This was mostly just entertaining for comedy, since we knew that it would end with Castle and Beckett making some sort of compromise for the sake of all parties involved.

But the mystery itself was much more boring than most, with a behavioral expert (who previously worked with apes) getting involved with all sorts of stuff including an Olivia Pope-like “fixer,” and some people who were involved in the blood diamond trade. Save for the sight of a gigantic diamond and the thought of these gems being man-made, there was really not that much that took place here worth being excited about. The case itself didn’t produce any funny quotes or scenes for some of our favorite characters. While Captain Gates got to turn in an appearance, nobody really seemed like they had that much to do. There was also no Alexis this week, and while nobody seems to like Pi, he is important to a part of Rick’s development as a character.

Typically, we give a failing grade to shows that we want to turn off during. We didn’t feel that negatively about this episode; it’s just not one that we are going to be watching again in repeats, or remembering at the end of the year. This was probably the weakest of the season thus far. Grade: C-.

What do you think about this episode: Do you think that “A Murder is Forever” is a much better than we do? Share your thoughts below! If you want to read some more “Castle” news, including a preview for next episode (which will be posted by 10:15 p.m. Eastern), just be sure to click here.

Photo: ABC

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