‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 7, episode 7 review: Bob Newhart, Bill Nye, and hard truths
Tonight marked the return of Bob Newhart to “The Big Bang Theory,” and with that of course came a ton of comedy. The man is a comedy legend, and the sort of guest star than any show would beg to have.
So of course, the writers managed to up their game for this episode, and created a story that was more than just Professor Proton and Leonard working on a project. It also got to the heart of why Leonard puts up with Sheldon in that despite all of his quirks and annoyances, they need each to get through hard times in life. Not only that, but they are two of the most brilliant guys out there.
Of course, the irony here is that Leonard said this after Sheldon did almost everything possible to sabotage what Proton and Leonard were up to, including trying to hang out with Bill Nye the Science Guy in an effort to make him jealous. Probably the only real letdown here was that Nye only had a minute or so of screen time, which was mostly related to Newhart telling him off for basically stealing all of his ideas and catering a show for another generation.
We mostly feel bad at this point for the other actors who haven’t yet got chance to work with them, since the side story had Raj and Howard at odds over the latter crashing his time with the ladies, where he was feeling a little bit at home. This had a couple of good lines including a great “Star Wars” payoff, but at the same we don’t like it when Raj is strictly characterized as a feminine cartoon character. He is so much more than that at times.
Still, this was one of the better “Big Bang Theory” episodes in weeks, and we actually think that we will remember it more than Newhart’s first appearance thanks to Nye and the emotional impact of the Proton – Leonard scenes. Grade: B+.
Did you like Newhart on “The Big Bang Theory” this week, and also, do you think that he was the right person to finally ask Leonard the questions that we have all been waiting for? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and click here if you want to read some more news related to the show.
Photo: CBS