‘American Idol XIII’ video: Latest trailer from Fox with Harry Connick Jr. is seriously funny

The logo -Based on what we have said about “American Idol” over the course of the past several years, we like to think that we’ve built up enough good faith with you for you to know that if something is terrible, we’re certainly not going to sit here and sugar coat it. Therefore, we are pretty happy to actually announce that the latest trailer for season 13 of the long-running singing show is actually pretty entertaining.

The first thing that the show is getting right here is actually introducing a trailer to remind us that this show is so much better then it’s been two months before it even premieres. They are not hiding the fact that there is talent, or that the judges have a genuine sort of rapport and humor with each other. While we’re not going to sit here and scream “revelation” that people being paid millions of dollars are actually learning how to get along, this is a massive improvement from where we were back in season 12 when they would not even look at each other.

What we really need to say for now is that the show really seems to have finally “got” it. You don’t need judges that the contestants want to consistently idolize over so much that the judges that will not lie to them and explain their decision-making process. It’s not like we imagine any of these judges not praising Candice Glover all season, or not ranking her as a favorite. That was probably the worst moment of season 12, and also coincidentally the funniest since she ended up winning at the end of it all.

But regardless of whether this show finds a star, or whether or not there are original songs or the producers get the live shows right, what we can say for now is that this seems funny. That is what “American Idol” needed to emphasize for the time being: Making sure that they actually allow the people watching to have fun. This is why “The Voice” has become a hit, and why “The X Factor” is about to go careening off of a side of a cliff.

Click here if you want to take a look at a slightly more emotional clip, with it focusing much more on the contestants’ actual journey.

Photo: Fox

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