ABC’s ‘Revenge’ season 3, episode 2 preview: Will Daniel cheat on Emily?

Revenge -Next week’s episode of “Revenge” is entitled “Sin,” and to be honest, we are surprised that there has not been an installment of this show already with this name attached. Everyone is up to some pretty sinful things, and the promo below shows quite a few of them. You have Charlotte attacking her father Conrad, Daniel getting seduced by another woman, and Aiden seemingly looking for some revenge of his own on Emily. (This is at least what he is telling Victoria for the time being.)

As for what Emily will be specifically up to next Sunday, think along the lines of a surprising person that she wants to take down. The synopsis also teases that Patrick is going to be sticking around in some form, even after saying that he was planning to go back to New York for a time:

“Emily’s next target takes her into unchartered, sacred terrain, now that the former Grayson Global executive is a reformed clergyman. Victoria makes a bold move with Patrick, and Margaux presents Daniel with an intriguing proposal.”

Whatever does happen next week, all enemies are real people rather than some ghost-faced entity like the Initiative that caused so many people to be turned off on the show. While a ratings jump is not necessarily essential to the show’s success this year (given that ABC has a vested interest in getting the show to four seasons for syndication purposes), but it would be nice to see it pick up a little bit of momentum to last even longer than it would otherwise.

What do you want to see on next week’s new “Revenge” episode? Share your theories below, and click here if you do want to check out our review of the premiere.

Photo: ABC

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