‘Dexter’ season 8, episode 5 preview: Unraveling over that car in the water


So where is the path on “Dexter” season 8 likely going to take us now? Basically, it is going to pull us straight out from under the water (which is where we found ourselves courtesy of Deb’s car), and into a difficult situation of why this happened.

Basically, Dr. Evelyn Vogel is going to unsurprisingly try to play the role of therapist here, as she attempts to figure out how in the world to bring these siblings back together again. Deb was reeling with the revelation that Harry killed himself thanks to Dexter being the man that he is, and there may have been a part of her asking for the same sort of ending by any means necessary … even if it doesn’t seem to be coming to her nearly as easily as it did for her dear ol’ man. (Thanks to killing LaGuerta, she may now have just as much, if not more, guilt hanging over her than what Harry had at the time of his own death.)

Also in this episode, we are going to see some sort of regular police work, with of course the traditional “Dexter” twist. Given that we are nearly at the halfway point of this season, you really have to remember that there is not a single moment on this show that can be taken for granted by any means. Every little piece of footage has value, and it is up to us as viewers to try and interpret what that value is.

What do you want to see on next week’s “Dexter” episode? We want to hear some of your thoughts with a comment below! If you want to read our full review for Sunday night’s episode along with some other news, be sure to head on over to the link here.

Photo: Showtime

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