Survivor season 47 premiere date, cast reveal hopes

Survivor 46
Photo: CBS

With tonight being the end of Survivor 46, what better time to discuss season 47? It is, after all, coming to CBS this fall!

The first thing that is worth noting here is rather simple: The reality sensation is almost certainly coming back at the end of September. Because of the schedule, it is hard for it to premiere any later than that and be done before we are right around Christmas. Meanwhile, all indications are that we will continue to see 90-minute episodes. This was an incredible success for seasons 45 and 46, and we don’t imagine the network wanting to shift away from this at any point in the near future.

As for the cast, the plans are for us to get all-new contestants yet again. Save for Bruce’s return (tied to an early evacuation), we have seen all newbies ever since Winners at War and there is no reason to think that this is going to change until we get to season 50. Jeff Probst has already confirmed that it will be all returning players, and not necessarily from the New Era only.

The full cast reveal will likely come in late August / early September, and we hope to see a few of them teased tonight! Perhaps more than anything else, it is our hope that we’re going to be seeing a group here that is enthusiastic but also eclectic. What was great about this season in particular is that while you had strategists and game-players, not only of them fit into your prototypical superfan / gamebot persona that the show has leaned a little too heavily into in this New Era. You’ve got exceptional social players like Kenzie, and then also masters of chaos like Q. Sure, Bhanu was terrible at the game, but he was a true original and unique for the franchise.

Now, let’s just hope that production relies more on the players than the twists — that helped season 46 immensely.

What do you most want to see moving into Survivor season 47?

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