‘The Walking Dead’ season 4: Assorted goodies, skull news from set

The Walking DeadAs we kick-start our “Walking Dead” season 4 coverage this weekend, we plan on doing so with a distinct and different sort of goal in mind than just sharing scoop on the characters and story. Let’s be real here, the producers are of course not going to give much away when it comes to their plot, mostly since you have to ask yourself the following question: Why on the name of a post-apocalyptic world would they? It’s clearly in their best interest to have audiences of 10 million+ viewers watching their show with some element of surprise on their faces.

So let’s dive into some assorted fun, designed to make you feel like you are on the show’s Atlanta set, without of course the challenge of burning up under the hot sun and working the long, tireless hours. We begin with executive producer Scott M. Gimple, who is already clearly learning the problems that come with simultaneously shooting while being close to one of the busiest airports in the entire world. Take out the following Twitter post for evidence:

“As u hear aeroplanes fly overhead, keep a kind thought 4 the difficulties of those who record scenes of dialogue set after the world’s end.”

Meanwhile, there is also a cool new tradition brewing on the “Walking Dead” set: Skull Friday, where some of your favorite cast and crew members adorn some of their favorite skull jewelry and outfits, in an effort to presumably act scary even when they are not shooting zombies in the face. Have to love that, right?

“The Walking Dead” season 4 still, sadly, has no premiere date. Here’s some obvious hints: It will be October, the ratings will be huge, and there will be plenty more photos released like the one yesterday with Andrew Lincoln before it returns.

Photo: AMC

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