ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 5 finale spoilers: The title is…
There’s been a lot of talk as of late surrounding what is going to happen near the end of “Castle” this season, and some of that is inevitably going to continue for quite a while longer. After all, we don’t have too much scoop when it comes to the story for the upcoming finale; however, we can at least present you with something almost as important in the episode’s title.
So what are we looking at here? Sources confirm to us that the end of season 5 will be titled “Watershed,” which is sadly not exactly something that gives much of anything away. All this title really says to us is that there are going to be plenty more shockers coming up, and at least one thing that will change the direction for the one of the characters moving forward.
The only thing we wonder right now is rather simple: how in the world does the show manage to one-up itself yet again? Two years ago, it was all about Rick confessing to Kate that he loves her; then, last year we saw Castle and Beckett finally hook up after so many years of “will they or won’t they?” speculation. We anticipate that there will be something related to them yet again this year, but who knows what it will be? Some of it may be determined strictly on how much further down the road executive producer Andrew W. Marlowe really wants to push the series towards its ultimate endgame.
What do you think about the title for the “Castle” finale, and is there anything that you want to see happen? If you want to see how the Boston marathon tragedy has impacted next week’s new episode of “Castle,” be sure to check out the story over at the link here.
Photo: ABC
April 19, 2013 @ 8:40 pm
Interesting title. I am firmly in the camp that Castle and Beckett must stay together without any angst driven doubts (over the summer). They should both be asking questions of themselves and each other. Do they want to be together for life; does Beckett want to continue as a cop; does she want to be a mother; does Castle want to be a father again; can he live his life as the spouse of a cop and not be there with her…? Lots of questions to ask. They can figure them out together.